eBook: Tips for Your First Garden!

Perhaps you’ve noticed–2020 and 2021 have seen a huge surge of people starting their first garden! Since this site was created for the purpose of sharing newbie tips for starting a garden, I’m excited to offer the best info I can to make it easy and accessible for anyone to learn to grow vegetables. Whether you’re a beginner, a brown thumb, or too busy to spend much time gardening, growing your own veggies is still possible! Learn all you need to know about starting your first garden in my new eBook!

Cut Out the Complications

The truth is that vegetable gardening actually can be very complicated. From figuring out your soil type and how to fix it, to choosing plants and layout, figuring out when and how to start planting, dealing with bugs and choosing the right fertilizer, you could go down the gardening research rabbit hole for hours and hours if you wanted. And how do you choose the best beginner gardening method for your first garden when there are probably hundreds or thousands of gardening methods and opinions out there?? It’s easy to see why a beginner would be too intimidated to even start.

The Very Easy Veggie Garden ebook is tailor made for beginner vegetable gardeners, giving you an easy to understand overview of the basics, step by step and piece by piece. My goal with this eBook is to keep it simple for you to create the vegetable garden you want. While there’s an endless amount of things you could learn about vegetable gardening, I’ll let you in on a little secret–all you really need to know for your first garden are the basics.

What first garden topics and tips are included?

This eBook breaks down ALL the beginner tips for starting a garden that I’ve shared with other complete newbie vegetable gardeners to help them get a great harvest from their very first garden. From travel-loving retirees to young moms working part time (and in my case a few years ago, mom of newborn twins), my setup is totally beginner and busy-person friendly.

I’ve also taken all the best info from this whole website, boiled it down, expanded and organized it into short chapters full of simple lessons that build on each other to help you create the best beginner garden you can. You’ll learn the basics of soil, plant food, choosing plants, proper watering, preventing pests organically, what to consider with layout, when to plant your garden, warm vs cool season veggies, how to start your veggies from seed, and more. I’ve even included a chapter on the most common causes of a brown thumb and how to fix them, and a section on the best vegetables for beginners.

Perhaps best of all, the price is super accessible too! Just a few dollars and you can have this resource on your phone, tablet, or eReader to guide you all season. Price will go up a bit as spring gets closer, so don’t wait–grab it below!

If you have any questions about this product, leave them in the comments or email me at thegardener@veryeasyveggies.com ! Or read the FAQ below the product listing.


Tell me more about the raised bed tutorial add-on. What would the raised bed look like?

This is simply a convenient 2-page print version of my $15 Cedar Fence Plank DIY raised bed. It’s very easy to make even if you don’t have construction skills.

Can I get a print version instead?

If you’d prefer to print out this book to have on hand all season for your first garden, a second PDF is included that is optimized for printing. This version is black and white, has a few photos removed, and has fewer pages since the font size has been reduced to 12-14 pt.

What devices can I read this book on?

You should be able to read your Easy Veggie Garden PDF on just about any mobile device! Of course you can easily save and open the file on a laptop, mobile phone, or tablet, but you can also email it to your kindle to read it as an ebook using the instructions below. (There is a link to these instructions at the beginning of the book for your convenience).

How to Read PDF on Kindle – Updated (wondershare.com)

I made the font large enough that it should be easy to read as a PDF on any device, but if you have problems, you can email me for a larger print.

Can I get a lot of the same info online?

Sure, if you know what to look for–but many newbie gardeners don’t. There is lots of popular misinformation that gets spread around (epsom salt and egg shells anyone?) that can confuse and discourage you as you care for your first garden. And really, it’s more convenient to have it all in an ebook so you can read from start to finish, referring back to certain topics as needed, without having to spend hours searching online and trying to understand all the gardener lingo of some sites and books. 😉

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